so i've decided to do something very unlike myself and make a belated new years resolution this year. not only have i resolved to make a resolution (which is a resolution in and of itself) but i've resolved to commit to it (wow that's already two!). i pass through most new years without giving second thought to the things i want to personally accomplish the next year. but this new years was special and i decided this: wouldn't it be fun to look back on 2009 and say that i was more adventurous? and that's it...i resolve to be more adventurous.
now i know that you're probably all (not) thinking, "jonathan, wouldn't you count meeting a woman on the internet, falling madly in love with her, and trying to make her your wife in less than a year enough adventure for an entire decade?" To that i would scratch my hairless chin and answer, "hmmm, why yeessss!"
meeting mallory, falling in love with her, and exploring this life with God as our Shepherd certainly does qualify as the greatest adventure i have ever and will ever embark upon. this isn't a love letter though, so i'll refrain from getting too saccharine. i'm talking about the smaller adventures in life though: backpacking trips into the sierras, climbing halfdome, day hikes up diablo, cycling sweet east bay routes like three bears, late night bowling with friends, and anything else i can find to just soak every second of joy and beauty out of life that i can. more than anything though, i want to live unabashedly for Christ this year. cheers to the memories of 2008 and to the journey to come in 2009.
so i've decided to do something very unlike myself and make a belated new years resolution this year. not only have i resolved to make a resolution (which is a resolution in and of itself) but i've resolved to commit to it (wow that's already two!). i pass through most new years without giving second thought to the things i want to personally accomplish the next year. but this new years was special and i decided this: wouldn't it be fun to look back on 2009 and say that i was more adventurous? and that's it...i resolve to be more adventurous.
now i know that you're probably all (not) thinking, "jonathan, wouldn't you count meeting a woman on the internet, falling madly in love with her, and trying to make her your wife in less than a year enough adventure for an entire decade?" To that i would scratch my hairless chin and answer, "hmmm, why yeessss!"
meeting mallory, falling in love with her, and exploring this life with God as our Shepherd certainly does qualify as the greatest adventure i have ever and will ever embark upon. this isn't a love letter though, so i'll refrain from getting too saccharine. i'm talking about the smaller adventures in life though: backpacking trips into the sierras, climbing halfdome, day hikes up diablo, cycling sweet east bay routes like three bears, late night bowling with friends, and anything else i can find to just soak every second of joy and beauty out of life that i can. more than anything though, i want to live unabashedly for Christ this year. cheers to the memories of 2008 and to the journey to come in 2009.